The author posted a question in Food, Cooking
What do I do when I eat a lot and don't get fat? and got a better answer
Response from Антон Владимирович[+++++]
Why would you want to be fat?
Response from 0[+++++]
Why do you need to be fat?
Why do you need to be fat?
Response from 0[+++++]
remove the worms for starters.
remove the worms for starters.
Response from 0[+++++]
It's GOOD!
It's GOOD!
Response from 0[+++++]
You must want to burst.
You must want to burst.
Response from 0[+++++]
Everything is ahead of us.
Everything is ahead of us.
Response from 0[+++++]
Eat more and move less ideally - lie on the crib all day long.
Eat more and move less ideally - lie on the crib all day long.
Response from 0[+++++]
It's the body that's still in training. When he gets experience, then the process will begin.
It's the body that's still in training. When he gets experience, then the process will begin.
Response from 0[+++++]
It depends on what you eat. If you eat fruits and vegetables, the chances of gaining weight are negligible. If you want to gain weight, you have to eat high-carbohydrate foods and not move much.
It depends on what you eat. If you eat fruits and vegetables, the chances of gaining weight are negligible. If you want to gain weight, you have to eat high-carbohydrate foods and not move much.
Response from 0[+++++]
It's not cooks who solve the problems of the body not working properly.
It's not cooks who solve the problems of the body not working properly.
Response from 0[+++++]
Of course you are. I wish I could.
Of course you are. I wish I could.
Response from 0[+++++]
Give up black magic.
Give up black magic.
Response from 0[+]
Good metabolism, but I want to make you happy or not at all when you're old you'll get fat, maybe not
Good metabolism, but I want to make you happy or not at all when you're old you'll get fat, maybe not
Response from 0[+++++]
Do you have to get fat?
Do you have to get fat?