can plastic surgery make you taller?

сергей куликов

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can plastic surgery make you taller? and got a better answer

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Why be like this, they always tell me a little girl is made for love and a big girl is made for work and you can wear high heels, that's it?

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always say a little girl is made for love and a big girl is made for work and you can wear high heels, that's it!

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kind of no.

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I think not unless you stretch your head:

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You can. there is some bone stretching. But very painful they say and harmful. After a couple of years you start to get serious soreness.

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you can, with the help of the elizarov apparatus. But this man must be a dwarf or mentally ill to dare to do it. You shouldn't.

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You can, but why do it! I'd never change myself with plastic surgery.

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you can only do it with age 16 torture.

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yes! by growing legs. those iron shifts they put in the knees. but do you need it? i wouldn't dare.

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Yes! They lengthen the shins. A friend of mine had that operation.

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And I saw on TV that you can, but do you have to?

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you can, but you don't have to.

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They put extra vertebrae in the spine and stretch the skin. In doing so, people begin to discover their superpowers;

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you can break bones in the joints, put something in the joints, stretch it out, and you get about ten centimeters more.

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There's another procedure they use to lengthen the arms and legs.

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Many things are possible nowadays, but what do you need it for? DIMA

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I don't know. But if so, why? We have heels.

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I guess nowadays you can be as tall or as short as you want.

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There's an Alizarov machine where they break the bones in your legs and put on heavy prostheses and you can barely walk for three months. The result - you'll be 8-10 centimeters taller. It's very expensive. It's not a physiological problem, it's a psychological one. I am short, but I have never wanted to be taller. I even have acquaintances who would like to become shorter.

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you can do it, but will you be happy with the result? At least a year of agony and a lot of possible complications. the main thing is to love yourself as you are

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if only the horns.

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