What do you feed your cat?

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What do you feed your cat? and got a better answer

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What a cat, is he pink in the light? I have a kitty now, prefers raw meat. I include in her diet and dry food which she does not like, canned cat food, fresh liver, fresh and boiled fish, fresh and boiled poultry, milk, cream, and also she with pleasure, but in small quantities eats melon, fresh cucumbers and kolek?

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What kind of a cat is he in the pink light? I have a kitty that prefers raw meat right now. I include in her diet and dry food which she does not like canned cat liver fresh fish fresh and boiled poultry fresh and boiled milk cream and still she with pleasure but in small quantities eats melon cucumbers fresh and kolek.

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meat and poultry

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Persian special food

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And mice.

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dry food professional and lean raw meat

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I feed my dog. and my girlfriend. and my cat I don't know what he eats

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freescas viskas etc

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my cat eats everything in the house. he's a hungry cat. my cat is very picky. She loves her food and fresh fish. and milk!

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A very good vet answered a similar question of mine: Waste. And it's no joke when you feed animals all sorts of gourmet food they get all sorts of very gourmet problems. And the main thing is not to overfeed! Good luck.

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My mom just fed him some dry food and he won't eat it all by himself

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Dry food not allowed - causes kidney cancer Canned Viskas and Kitecat give the same result Of this well-publicized tripe relatively harmless only Friskis Human food not allowed too Meat - boiled fish - boiled and without bones Recommended canned food Darling and Royal Konin.

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And meat and liver and fish and soup. Doesn't eat milk.

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Mine got used to Friskas meat and fish and all even sausage won't accept

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As for Whiskas-kitties, my veterinarian friend said: you don't eat sausage for 50 rubles, do you? Why would you poison a cat with whiskas and keticetes? This is just information for thought. It's up to you.

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Hils for picky or extra picky viskas jelly or stew or rolls sometimes eat boiled condensed milk pickles drink coffee boiled as it was found out yesterday likes cherry buns to the extent that steals from the table meat: turkey pork mutton really likes fish but only freshwater fish sniffs and immediately buries it we give only boiled

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Innova Evo.


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