A. what else can you quickly, once! and switch to?

The author posted a question in Humor

A. what else can you quickly, once! and switch to? and got a better answer

Response from
on the doorbell:?

Response from 0[+++++]
on the doorbell:

Response from 0[+++++]
When Putin is on, I switch it right away.

Response from 0[+++++]
Well, if someone else has more, then why deny yourself!

Response from 0[+++++]
to eat-

Response from 0[+++++]
Next bottle of kefir!

Response from 0[+++++]
Eat anytime

Response from 0[+++++]
27. 11. 2018.♥ ♦ ♣ ♠ ↳ On the negative.


To answer the question:



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