Where is the best place to rest in the fall?

The author posted a question in Travel, Tourism

Where is the best place to rest in the fall? and got a better answer

Response from
Croatia - Velvet season + low prices?

Response from 0[++]
Croatia- Velvet season + low prices.

Response from 0[+++++]
In Africa-

Response from 0[+]
On the couch and watch the rain out the window

Response from 0[+]
In the Urals in rainy weather

Response from 0[++]
In India - the rainy season is over - not too hot sea exotica good prices and fresh seafood apply in October - end of September India is not a continent and to be specific Goa is the west coast of India

Response from 0[+]
Morocco until mid October

Response from 0[+++++]
Out of town and any time of year!


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