How does one become a naval officer? How do you become a naval officer?

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How does one become a naval officer? How do you become a naval officer? and got a better answer

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You should be at sea all the time! Just your head sticking out and your whole body underwater, and then they call you a naval officer?

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You should be out at sea all the time! Just your head sticking out and your whole body underwater, and then they'll call you a naval officer.

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Graduate from the Naval Academy and then welcome to the ship as a junior lieutenant:

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you have to go to Peter to enroll and where is your choice.

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Firstly, it's not the naval rank of an officer, but the rank of a naval officer. And secondly, read Konetsky Victor.

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Buy a naval officer's uniform and dirk. Take a picture and look at the photo!

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Finish the Nakhimov School and become a junior lieutenant, then get assigned to a ship and behold, you are a naval officer.

Response from 0[+++++]
Get secondary education go to a VVMU institute and after graduation in almost 5 years you will be promoted to the rank of lieutenant.


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