how do you get scotch tape residue off a plastic window?

Corvinus university of budapest

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how do you get scotch tape residue off a plastic window? and got a better answer

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Remove the tape itself, wipe with a dirty damp rag - then the glue stains will be well visible, and then - hot water with some non-abrasive detergent and a sponge. The main thing is not to scratch the plastic. It's better not to use solvents as they can dissolve the surface of the plastic and it will be permanently dirty.

Response from 0[+++++]
Remove the tape itself, wipe with a dirty damp rag - then the glue stains will be well visible, and then - hot water with some non-abrasive detergent and a sponge. The main thing is not to scratch the plastic. It's better not to use solvents - you can dissolve the surface of the plastic and it will be permanently dirty.

Response from 0[+++++]
white spirit.

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solvent acetone cologne vodka alcohol, etc.

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nail polish remover with acetone, benzine, thinner.

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Mr. Propper.

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Well you need to buy another window. And glass scratch the first one. Although the fact that it will not rub off and not scratched

Response from 0[+++++]
On a plastic window that needs to be taped over with duct tape only turpentine is not spared.

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