Is it true that God created females solely for us Men to satisfy our gross with them?

The author posted a question in Animals, Plants

Is it true that God created females solely for us Men to satisfy our gross with them? and got a better answer

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NOT in that category?

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NOT in that category

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maybe it is

Response from 0[+++++]
not true

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no. a woman is a helper for a man. he must love and respect read the bible it says

Response from 0[+++++]
creepy theory!

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one for all we can't put a price on it

Response from 0[+++++]
I think in order to keep people alive

Response from 0[+++++]
You can say that when we women decide to continue the species without men!

Response from 0[+++++]
Poor you, who hurt you so!

Response from 0[++]
I think that the god all the same has created both man and woman for mutual satisfaction for mutual help and creation of similar and rather not in such rough form in fact exactly from the big and pure love and full consent the person receives the highest pleasure. And by the way why you consider that it is the man satisfies his desires? And what about:A tooth for a tooth.Vsomu not a few life situations in which women are used by men for their own purposes.And probably it depends on the person and his relationship to the like. I believe that there is no greater pleasure in the world than to receive it by giving love and affection. Although everyone goes crazy in their own way.


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