work like a horse … where to invest a small amount of money ($ 1000) to start a small business?

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work like a horse ... where to invest a small amount of money ($ 1000) to start a small business? and got a better answer

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someone who is as active as a bee during the day, works hard as a horse, comes home in the evening tired as a dog, should consult a veterinarian-is there a good chance he is a donkey Chang Ying Yu 1625g?

Response from 0[+++++]
someone who is as active as a bee during the day, works hard as a horse, comes home in the evening tired as a dog, should consult a veterinarian-there is a good chance he is a donkey Chang Ying Yu 1625g

Response from 0[++++]
You, sir, should go to business school! There people are trained to start a business from scratch Accordingly, you need to invest in training:

Response from 0[+]
work a little more and maybe you can open your own pavelon

Response from 0[+++++]
Buy some modern equipment and produce goods.

Response from 0[+++++]
Exchange it into dollars and don't invest it anywhere, stash it away so you can keep it.

Response from 0[+++++]
Believe me $ 1000 is not the amount which should be invested in business, buy something useful for yourself or just put the money in the bank low interest or in a mutual fund interest is higher but riskier Good luck


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