if a young man first accepted your invitation to go out, but then did not come, what does this mean and how to proceed?

The author posted a question in Dating, Love, Relationships

if a young man first accepted your invitation to go out, but then did not come, what does this mean and how to proceed? and got a better answer

Response from Марина Соловьева[+++]

Response from 0[+]
it means you got dumped. And rightly so.

Response from 0[++++]
it means he's not that interested in you, since he's got other things to do. The same when he is late and does not call back when he promised. In short, either to conquer whether bo swallow the rope.

Response from 0[+++++]
girls! Where the hell are your brains! Well, you have to invite him! And to make him invite you, you did not want to! You should have received an invitation, and not come. And now you're sitting there thinking, why didn't he come?

Response from 0[++++]
apparently you are not very important to him.tshe does that. Don't sweat it and find a man who will ask you out himself.

Response from 0[++++]
Pretend you're not happy he didn't come! Try to get him to apologize and if he ditches you one more time, my advice. find yourself another love victim!

Response from 0[++++]
do not get upset, take the other under the arms and go for a walk, and when your beloved will know about it unless he cares about you, maybe jealous and the next time he himself will appoint you a date!


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