How to wean an adult cat from peeing in the trash. I’m tired of pissing. Kill him or something

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How to wean an adult cat from peeing in the trash. I'm tired of pissing. Kill him or something? and got a better answer

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Figure out your relationship with the cat first - the more you crap on him, the more he will do the same in return?

Response from 0[+++++]
sort out your relationship with your cat first - the more you crap on it, the more it will do the same in return

Response from 0[++++]
Pour filler in the litter box and put the cat in there and pet it for 5 minutes, and so every day.

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I would have killed him a long time ago.

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You don't have to beat him, he's just marking his territory. You ought to castrate him. And as a preventative measure, lock him in the toilet. That's what I do, but I have a cat.

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Better take him somewhere

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Where he pees sprinkle bleach or sprinkle bleach on it and then wash it properly.

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DO NOT KILL, please= but the litter box is a good idea!

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no, a weasel in the litter box will not help the cat for another reason: he is trying to tell you that he, not you are the boss of the house. for instance we close our rooms when we leave and try not to leave any bags in the hallway: he doesn't like their smell either and he will tag them

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put the cat in a room with no corners

Response from 0[+++++]
better to kill the owner.and the cat only by caressing.

Response from 0[++]
I saved myself with one method. At the pet store I bought a spray Antigadine. And sprinkled it on the apartment for a month! It stopped!

Response from 0[+++]
Try to change his potty, for example, change the filler, perhaps he does not like the current one. My cat, for example, crapped on the bed and in the corners of the pot were trivial newspaper, changed his lumpy filler, and all stopped. He just like to dig. And places where he crapped, wash with chlorine concentrir r, and spray ANTIGADIN. really helped me well not me of course, and my cat

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As soon as he poops or shits again, poke him in the spot with your nose and then take him to the kitty litter box and put him there. I've been trying to wean my cat that way

Response from 0[+++]
there are also sprays like Antigadine I think the name of it, the smell scares the cats. As a preventive measure, you can spray a litter box toilet trainer is very effective stuff. His kittens 3 trained and all friends advised. All do their business only in the litter box is important that it was clean that is cleaned in time.

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one of my friends meaningfully said to her cat: just try it, I'll throw it away! Since then he goes to the litter box like a sweetheart.

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Why are you so sneaky? Uh-uh.

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I don't think there's any other way

Response from 0[+]
male catting territory. We should spay him.

Response from 0[+]


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