Does anyone collect ceramic plates from different countries?

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Does anyone collect ceramic plates from different countries? and got a better answer

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And ceramic, and metal, and porcelain, and plaster, and glass, and wood, and faience! In the near future I'll start hanging them on the ceiling: the walls are already all covered. Only I can not yet convince my husband to drill holes in the ceiling and think of a way to hang plates there. I have about 15 of them in the closet, waiting for the right place?

Response from 0[+++++]
ceramic and metal and porcelain and plaster and glass and wood and faience! In the near future I'll start hanging them on the ceiling: the walls are already completely covered. Only I can not yet talk my husband into drilling holes in the ceiling and think of a way to hang plates there. There are 15 of them lying in the closet waiting for the right place.

Response from 0[+++++]
me and the fridge magnets

Response from 0[+++++]
my mom collects them all over the walls.

Response from 0[+++++]
I guess if someone's throwing them around, I like the contents on a plate better

Response from 0[+++++]
My parents collect them, but I don't like them very much. Plates don't belong on the walls.

Response from 0[+]
The whole kitchen is covered! Already giving them away.

Response from 0[++++]
My brother's collecting, but do you want to do something to help?

Response from 0[+++++]
Apparently these plates must have built-in microchips and wifi adsl modems since such a question is posted in this section:

Response from 0[++]
I collect already 1 one hangs the 2nd will accept for donation preferably with a feeder to the satellite AM22

Response from 1yard[+++++]
Hi! Here is a selection of topics with similar questions and answers to your question: Does anyone collect ceramic plates from different countries?
Инцидент с фрегатом «Старк» on Wikipedia
Check out the wikipedia article about Инцидент с фрегатом «Старк»

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