What can you clean a white teddy bear with?

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What can you clean a white teddy bear with? and got a better answer

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I wash them in the machine, with Laska?

Response from 0[+++++]
I wash them in the machine, with Laska.

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With shoe polish!

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Try Vanish for carpets, it's soft on fabrics and removes all stains.

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vanish! samoe effektivnoe sredstvo!

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in the washing machine in delicat mode.

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you can wash it in an automatic washing machine on gentle mode and without spinning, and then dry it this way.

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Basically, the mona soapy foam with a sponge and leave to dry, but I wash my toys whole. if the toy is big, I open it up, put the stuffing aside, and put the skin itself in the wash: good luck!

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any cleaner.or wash in the washing machine

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with toothpaste and then rinse with conditioner.

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I wash all toys in the machine, on a delicate 30 degree setting. Then you brush them right away to get the lint back to normal and dry them.

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I take a cavalon and roughly brush with a foam brush and that's it.

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Go ahead and put it in the washer, but not the usual powder, something softer and linorchik, it will be as fresh from the store-

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I cleaned my teddy cat with a car interior cleaner velour and foam in a bottle.

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have you tried vanish or ace?


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