The author posted a question in Work, Career
Switch activities, what does this expression mean? and got a better answer
Response from Антон Владимирович[+++++]
Worked as a manager - went to the movers. Or anywhere else, but no longer a manager.
Response from 0[+++++]
Worked as a manager - went to the movers. Or to any other place but not a manager anymore.
Worked as a manager - went to the movers. Or to any other place but not a manager anymore.
Response from 0[+++++]
what do you normally do, study, work, etc. this should change the place of work, for example
what do you normally do, study, work, etc. this should change the place of work, for example
Response from 0[+++++]
Rest is a change of activity.
Rest is a change of activity.
Response from 0[+++++]
Sports reading yoga fishing chopping wood, etc.
Sports reading yoga fishing chopping wood, etc.
Response from 0[+++++]
So and understand, what is not clear? Worked all your life designer, but suddenly "went to the accountant" for example.
So and understand, what is not clear? Worked all your life designer, but suddenly "went to the accountant" for example.