How do you understand a pattern? And pick examples to support the pattern?

The author posted a question in Science, Technology, Languages

How do you understand a pattern? And pick examples to support the pattern? and got a better answer

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Response from 0[+++++]
I take it this way. If you're not happy with everything, then life will be frowned upon. If you reject everything and everyone, then be prepared to be rejected. Everything in this life is a pattern. It's more of a philosophy. I'm not good at math.

Response from 0[+++++]
The statement is meaningless. There is a statement The content of XX makes up a system of knowledge that has its own structure and logic. Replace XX with anything, like drinking in the driveway or riding a bicycle. The meaning will be the same. One can safely argue that anything a person can think about constitutes a system of knowledge that has its own structure and logic, even schizophrenic delusion.


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