How can I tune out my mother-in-law?

The author posted a question in Family

How can I tune out my mother-in-law? and got a better answer

Response from
1 you did not specify: do you live in her house? Consider the case, if yes. and the case where the mother-in-law is not a psychopath and not a drinker, but an ordinary woman, of which there are millions. This is her home, good or bad, you have to reckon with the mistress, she raised your husband, probably not so bad raised, if you loved him, right? She is a woman, just like you, and probably not everything in her life was as sweet as it may seem. She probably doesn't want to hurt you or her son, she just doesn't want to be unwanted and is trying to act active. And then she is your husband's mother! And she has a right to basic attention 2 Try to become allies and friends, you have nothing to divide, husband and wife is a union for life, unite with her nasty neighbor from below, listen to complaints about the monetization of benefits and pressure, buy a tasty thing and sokretnichuyu in the kitchen together, peremoyte kones, let her know that you are not the enemy-a native person 3 Sit down and talk. Adults should be able to compromise, mother-in-law to show wisdom, and you - the tact and patience, after all, why do you think that you have nothing to learn from mother-in-law? She lived her life, I personally, have learned a lot from mine, and I'm glad she did, I would have given anything to keep her alive, but alas, late we did not quarrel, we were friends 4 Define on a piece of paper the circle of responsibilities, divide the territory and stuff like an agreement, discuss, 5 If you both do not agree with something - do not necessarily express it, do not do, sometimes it is easier to say nothing, sometimes a firm refusal politely 6 And remember - it is she will help you with your children, take care of her sick husband, and maybe with you, and when she is gone, your husband will lose his mother! How about giving her an old age so she can die in the arms of her loving family, or making her a living hell for everyone? 7 I have a son, someday I'll be a mother-in-law too, and I want a daughter to come into my house, not a daughter-in-law Sometimes a mother-in-law can be a real second mom. Girls, be smarter and more patient, and you are the mothers of our loved ones, take us as your own family and your wisdom help build relationships, peace in the family needs everyone, remember your youth and do not do to us what you could not tolerate in his youth?

Response from 0[+++++]
1 you did not specify: do you live in her house? Consider the case if yes. and the case where the mother-in-law is not a psychopath and not a drinker, but an ordinary woman, of which there are millions. This is her house, good or bad, you have to reckon with the mistress. She probably raised your husband not so bad if you love him, right? She's a woman just like you and probably not everything in her life was as sweet as it may seem. She probably doesn't want to hurt you or her son, she just doesn't want to be unwanted and is trying to act active. And then she is the mother of your husband! And she has a right to the basic attention 2 Try to become allies and friends you have nothing to divide husband and wife is a union for life unite with her nasty neighbor from below listen to complaints about the monetization of benefits and pressure buy a tasty and sectarian in the kitchen together washed the bones show you are not the enemy and native person 3 Sit down and talk. Adult people should be able to find compromises mother-in-law should show wisdom and you - tact and patience after all why do you think you have nothing to learn from mother-in-law? She lived her life I personally learned a lot from mine, and I'm glad I would have given anything to keep her alive but alas, too late we never fought and were friends 4 Define on a piece of paper the circle of responsibilities divide territory and so on the type of contract discuss what you both do not like 5 If you disagree with something - do not necessarily express it do not do sometimes easier to say nothing sometimes refuse firmly polite 6 And remember, it's she will help you with your children look after her sick husband, and maybe you and when she is gone your husband will lose his mother! Maybe provide her old age so she will die in the arms of loving loved ones or make her a hell for everyone? 7 I have a son someday I too will be a mother-in-law and I want a daughter to come into my home, not a daughter-in-law Sometimes a mother-in-law can be a real second mother. Girls be smarter and more patient, and you-moms of our loved ones, take us as your own family and your wisdom help build relationships peace in the family needs all remember your youth and do not do us what you could not stand in his youth.

Response from 0[+++++]
love her!

Response from 0[+]
make friends with her

Response from 0[+++++]
Buy some poison, make some soup, let her eat it:

Response from 0[+++++]
Don't go in there with your own mouth

Response from 0[+++++]
Put it in its place before it's too late! It's better to dot all the I's and cross all the T's.

Response from 0[+]
I have the same problem.We live together.I just don't pay attention to her.In one ear flew in the other flew out.My advice: do not fight with her under any circumstances!

Response from 0[+++++]
smile don't forget to compliment ask for advice and you will look at you with kind eyes as your favorite son.

Response from 0[+]
advise her to take mud baths while smiling stupidly to get her used to the earth

Response from 0[++]
If you live together, don't give your address if possible

Response from 0[+++++]
If possible, go to a separate place and if not, her husband must take care!

Response from 0[+++++]
This is a lost cause:

Response from 0[+++++]
Should have married an orphan

Response from 0[+++++]
Politely but firmly say you don't need her advice and can solve your own problems. If you stay silent, it will get worse and worse.

Response from 0[+++++]
it depends on what kind of relationship you have and how she treats you. If she loves and appreciates you, you can have a heart-to-heart talk to explain that her attention to you is too much.


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