What can you get it for?

The author posted a question in Auto, Moto

What can you get it for? and got a better answer

Response from
Junk or not junk is not defined by the price, and in a good service station, preferably uofitsialov BMW After that you decide - whether this price suits you and think, how much will cost further maintenance. The car can be completely on the move and in good condition, but require a speedy replacement of the timing belt, suspension, etc.. Is that BIG money?

Response from 0[+++++]
junk or not junk is not determined by the price and a good service station, preferably uofitsialov BMW Then decide whether you are satisfied with this price and estimate how much it will cost you to continue maintenance. The car can be fully on the move and in pretty good condition but require a speedy replacement of the timing belt suspension, etc.. And that is BIG money.

Response from 0[+++++]
We have it for 700-800 bucks.

Response from 0[+++++]
No 525 especially with the M50 has minimal investment.

Response from 0[+++++]
BMW's are only worth getting from the factory. It will be more expensive later.


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