why is there always tuts tuts in clubs why not spare a day for a rock concert aren’t you tired of listening to tuts tuts yourself

The author posted a question in Leisure, Entertainment

why is there always tuts tuts in clubs? why not spare a day for a rock concert? aren't you tired of listening to tuts tuts yourself? and got a better answer

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Response from 0[++]
In the clubs there's dance music During tuk-tu-tz you can dance and shuffle your feet it's not just to stand around and not everyone on the planet likes to rock

Response from 0[+++++]
Because without a long preparation with advertising rockers won't go to a club, and the target audience won't appreciate such a gesture and it will ruin the box-office. Why don't conservatories organize bard song nights?

Response from 0[++]
In the clubs more often hip-hop because it's more fun to dance to it, and the rock it. It's hard.

Response from 0[+++++]
because in normal cities there're special places for it - rock clubs


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