What insect dies in the winter and comes back to life in the spring?

The author posted a question in Animals, Plants

What insect dies in the winter and comes back to life in the spring? and got a better answer

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Oh, there's a lot of them. They freeze over in the winter and thaw out in the spring. And not only insects - amphibians also newts, for example. Anabiosis in such creatures is almost complete death of the organism. Metabolism almost completely stops - is it not a real death, but a palpable one, of course? However, nothing, just melt the ice.

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napremer TARAKAN

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the dead don't come back to life.

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They don't die temporarily, they die once and for all. And insects can turn into pupae for the winter and then hatch.

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Their insect reanimation is at an adequate level.

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Fell asleep-woke up are many examples. But died and then woke up. I'll keep my eyes open for answers.

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I don't know about insects, but frogs, that's for sure.

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It's definitely a fly!

Response from 0[+++++]
It's a fly!

Response from 0[+++++]
Dying, freezing, waking up - what nonsense! In insects and not only reptiles, amphibians, fish. it is called ANABIOZ- Life processes are temporarily suspended or slowed down, and death is death! So, if this is what is meant, there is not enough space to list all the insect species. We will manage with the following groups: Spidewings, Equal-wings, Stiff-wings, Fan-wings, Reticulate-wings, Caddisflies, Scales, Hymenoptera, and Diptera. By the way, cockroaches hibernate as eggs, all of the above mentioned groups hibernate as adults, with the exception of some families of scaleflies, which hibernate as eggs, gusunitsa, or as correctly noted above, as pupae.

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Response from 0[+++++]
Dies and then comes back to life? It's probably a zombie--


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