What should we play with our five year olds?

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What should we play with our five year olds? and got a better answer

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The mazayki constructor cubes, etc.

Response from 0[++]
Take them on rides

Response from 0[+++++]

Response from 0[+++++]
Board games with parents.

Response from 0[+++++]
Hang different gifts blindfold them one by one and whoever finds what, just cut it off with your own hands.

Response from 0[+++++]
At Daughters for Money!

Response from 0[+]
It depends on what your kids like and what kind of character they have! Some kids like to play with all sorts of constructors some like to read and the like-

Response from 0[+]
You can play a fairy tale. Children of this age are already starting to play role-playing games. There and hidden all the development. Place a lot of do not need and adults can join. Come up with costumes. etc. The main thing that the roles got all

Response from 0[+++++]
Play bingo for kids and dominoes, also kids' pinocchios will be great fun for both adults and kids

Response from 0[+]
It's very easy! Kids are little rascals! With them you can play hide and seek Catch up with the ball in the street or you can think up a game yourself! You just have to use your imagination-

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