suggest a wholesale supplier of women’s clothing in Russia. We want to open a store, can not find suppliers

The author posted a question in Business, Finance

suggest a wholesale supplier of women's clothing in Russia. We want to open a store, can not find suppliers? and got a better answer

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Response from 0[+++++]
easier to go out and get it yourself.

Response from 0[+++++]
With that kind of approach to business, you'll go broke.

Response from 0[+++++]
Are you sure you need it?

Response from 0[++]
now the trade is shaky. Some are closing outlets. People's finances are very tight. Spread out point now live off their earnings, those who have not had time to untwist, closed. What something new to start now in terms of buying-selling is risky. People in the first place - to eat in the second to pay the loans, and there are a bunch of compulsory expenditure of housing, education of children, etc..

Response from 0[+++++]
I know a very good online women's clothing store sports suits for hiking and recreation and fitness clothing Sitlly. They have a wide range, reasonable prices brand is not quite known, hence the low prices, decent quality and there is a section of wholesale.


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