The author posted a question in Food, Cooking
What happens if you mix an energy drink with an alcoholic cocktail? and got a better answer
Response from Wasabi[+++++]
Alcoholic energy drink. Banned from production, sale, purchase as of January 1?
Response from 0[+++++]
Alcoholic energy drink. Banned since Jan. 1 from production sale and purchase
Alcoholic energy drink. Banned since Jan. 1 from production sale and purchase
Response from 0[+++++]
Jaguar will
Jaguar will
Response from 0[+++++]
not worth it. a blow to the liver and kidneys
not worth it. a blow to the liver and kidneys
Response from 0[+++++]
The volume will increase and the degree will drop.
The volume will increase and the degree will drop.
Response from 0[+++++]
You'll bounce around for 12 hours.Tested.
You'll bounce around for 12 hours.Tested.
Response from 0[+++++]
You'll hurt a lot and you won't have enough money for medicationYou don't want your heart to rest.
You'll hurt a lot and you won't have enough money for medicationYou don't want your heart to rest.
Response from 0[+]
It's up to you to try.
It's up to you to try.
Response from 0[+++++]
You'll have an energy drink and an alcoholic cocktail
You'll have an energy drink and an alcoholic cocktail
Response from 0[+++++]
Nothing's gonna happen. You want to drink it, but why? Energy drink excites alcohol relaxes. Waste of money.
Nothing's gonna happen. You want to drink it, but why? Energy drink excites alcohol relaxes. Waste of money.