Why is there never enough money?

The author posted a question in Work, Career

Why is there never enough money? and got a better answer

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some clever man said: as long as I live, I can not understand, where does the dust come from and where does the money go? Katya?

Response from 0[++++]
some clever man said: how long I live I can not understand, where the dust comes from and where the money goes? well said but no unambiguous answer. Katya

Response from 0[+++++]
As you know there is no such thing as a lot of money. The more you start earning, the more you spend. Tested!

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It seemed to me that there is always a lack of money. Because the demands grow in geometric progression, but the income grows in arithmetic progression at best.

Response from 0[+++++]
You just have to spend it wisely


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