What is the answer to the basic question of Life of the Universe and Everything Else?

Beyond two souls игра

The author posted a question in Philosophy, the Unseen

What is the answer to the basic question of Life of the Universe and Everything Else? and got a better answer

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Number 43 I think

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Tut odnim otvetom ne oboidechsia!

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Ask the questioner who reads fiction will understand

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everyone decides for himself. The answer will be the goals the person has set for himself

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Igor Burdonov * * * Above the roof of the house there's another floor. Above the top of the tree, there's another branch. Above the mountaintop, there is another rock. After the end of the path, there is another step. Behind the last page of the book there is another page. Behind the last line there is another line. Behind the last sound there is another sound. Behind the last hour there is another hour. Behind the last breath, there must be another breath.

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And does the universe ask, it just lives and rejoices, so let's you together

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life the universe and everything else has no questions

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Life is life and everything else is transient transient.

Response from 0[+++++]
The answer is within yourself. know yourself find peace, unity with yourself and the answer will come by itself, you will be the answer to that question!

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