What are the signs of beginning rickets in a baby?

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What are the signs of beginning rickets in a baby? and got a better answer

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causes of rickets - prematurity, improper feeding, daily regime, inadequate nutrition, little time spent in the air and medostatochno received ultraviolet rays, Symptoms: disturbed sleep, poor appetite, anxiety, later than it should soften the skull bones, later than it is supposed to close the fontanels, the first teeth appear. Later, on the ribs thickened in the form of lumps, rib cages, chest compressed from the sides, changing the shape of the spine, shin bones deformed, belly froggy Treatment and prevention-vitamin D by prescription, exercise therapy, compliance with diet and staying outdoors parvilnoe nutrition?

Response from 0[+++++]
causes of rickets- prematurity poor feeding regime poor nutrition not enough time outdoors not enough UV rays Symptoms: sleeping disorders poor appetite appetite anxiety appears later than normal skull bones soften later than normal fontanelle closes first teeth appear. Later on the ribs thickenings in the form of tuberclesrebercleclear chest compressed from the sides changes the shape of the spine deforms shin bones belly frog Treatment and prevention-vitamin D by prescription, exercise therapy compliance diet and staying outdoors parvilnoe nutrition!

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The most obvious one is underweight.

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fontanelle not healing in time and in general 80

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Rahit is expressed in sweaty palms and head but it is not a problem as long as you drink the vitamin D prescribed by your doctor

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have a non-growing fontanelle, rubbing at the back of the head. Older children have crooked feet and a deformed chest and a disproportionately large head.

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The first clinical signs of rickets: restlessness, hyperexcitability, shuddering skin covered with red spots. The child may worsen sleep, he begins to twirl his head, marked alopecia of the back of the head. There is increased sweating starting in the palms of the hands. Clinical signs can be noted as early as 1-2 months of age Prophylaxis - an aqueous solution of vitamin D3. 2 drops once a day


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