Taller than 178 cm, is a tall girl considered tall?

The author posted a question in Beauty and health

Taller than 178 cm, is a tall girl considered tall? and got a better answer

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Response from 0[+++++]
Well, not really, man.

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Sergei Rost? Didn't seem to count.

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I'm 168 yes

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Yes yes yes yes yes yes!

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a little high.

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it depends on what country

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actually yes! I'm that tall, but do girls with long legs have a problem. aah!

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Yeah, I'm tall. I do have a girl at my school who's 5'7". Half a head taller than me.

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Odnoznachno, da

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Above average, but I think that's about right.

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Oh yeah.

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In Holland, for example, you'd be considered short.

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Response from 0[+++++]
Appearance is a lot but not everything. Nowadays height is in fashion but if you were born 30 years earlier you might have a problem and now it's a plus

Response from 1yard[+++++]
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