How do I keep my dog from shitting in my house?

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How do I keep my dog from shitting in my house? and got a better answer

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depends on how old she already is - and whether she is able to tolerate. if not taught - then you can not punish in any case for what? just catch a moment when this miracle is going to make the next puddle - and on hands or put / put a command - and quickly on the street. on command near to depart a little from the house that not on a playground and not on stairs and let go a command go for a walk. If not to spare time and patience - at least in a month, and even in a week the dog will begin to tolerate if the dog already knows how to tolerate - then the manner of suppression should be simply more rigid - and endurance on the command more long. Though it wouldn't hurt to make her sick sometimes PS The smell from the carpet etc. better to remove - just in case, not to provoke PPS Don't believe the stories before six months. If you do it right - any puppy will stop shitting at home at 2-2.5 months. good luck?

Response from 0[+++++]
depends on how much she has already hit - and whether it is able to tolerate. if not taught - then you can not punish in any case for what? Just need to catch the moment when this wonder is going to do the next puddle - and in the hands or put a command - and quickly into the street. on the command beside to move a little away from the house that not on the playground and not on the stairs and let go command walk. If not to spare time and patience - at least in a month or even in a week the dog will start to be patient if the dog already knows how to tolerate - then the manner of suppression should be simply more rigid - and the endurance on the command more long. Though it wouldn't hurt to make her feel uncomfortable. PS the smell on the carpet etc. should be removed - just in case to avoid provoking her. PPS don't believe the stories about six months. If you do it right - any puppy will stop shitting at home at 2-2.5 months. good luck!

Response from 0[+++++]
take her for a walk more often

Response from 0[++++]
Move her outdoors

Response from 0[+++++]
Walk her more often

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A sea of different weaning products are sold now. Go to any pet store.

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A poker upside the head!

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Teach her to shit outside

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show her by her own example in the street

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to give good advice you should know the breed and age of the dog.

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Chopper in the ass, dick in a knot

Response from 0[+]
I don't know about the dog, but I permanently discouraged the cat from shitting in the house. He peed where he shouldn't have, then I stuck his face in the urine and then in the bowl where he has to go. Then I took a rope tied a loop and put it around his neck. He hung there until his eyes began to fall out of their orbits and his tongue out of his mouth. Now he only goes to his own place. And with a dog so it is possible if it is small not overdo it and then it will die even on a rope.

Response from 0[++++]
This is how puppies get used to order. You feed 'em and take 'em for a walk.

Response from 0[+++++]
Try to catch him in the act and scold him, but don't beat him in any way and take him for a walk more often, preferably right after he's fed.

Response from 0[++]
If your dog doesn't use the toilet outside it means you should know the reason why he doesn't use it, it may be bad socialization or he doesn't understand what's right. In the first situation the dog is afraid and it needs to be adapted. In the second situation it's easier to walk with other dogs so your dog understands that this is the way decent dogs do


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