Who likes owls?

The author posted a question in Animals, Plants

Who likes owls? and got a better answer

Response from
Round-faced and big-eyed owls. All normal people should love them. And owls, and owls, and eagles, and especially owls-they are the smallest?

Response from 0[+++++]
Owls are round-faced and big-eyed. All normal people should love them. And owls, and owls, and owls, and especially- owls-they are the smallest.

Response from 0[++++]
me. they're funny. an owl is supposed to be my totem.

Response from 0[+++++]

Response from 0[+++++]
I like them very much.

Response from 0[+++++]

Response from 0[+]
I love birds, so I love owls because they are also birds LOVE LOVE!

Response from 0[++]
Oni takie horoshenikie!


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