The author posted a question in Work, Career
Is everyone solving a connection? and got a better answer
Response from Антон Владимирович[+++++]
No, only the brains decide everything now?
Response from 0[+++++]
No nowadays only brains decide everything.
No nowadays only brains decide everything.
Response from 0[+++++]
a lot of
a lot of
Response from 0[+++++]
It takes money to make connections
It takes money to make connections
Response from 0[+]
a lot
a lot
Response from 0[+++++]
They don't solve everything, but in some cases they make life easier.
They don't solve everything, but in some cases they make life easier.
Response from 0[+++++]
If you do not have enough professional skills and knowledge to pass the interview, then yes connections decide.
If you do not have enough professional skills and knowledge to pass the interview, then yes connections decide.
Response from 0[+++++]
It is better to have real knowledge, skills and ability to present yourself correctly to a potential employer. Connections are the easiest option.
It is better to have real knowledge, skills and ability to present yourself correctly to a potential employer. Connections are the easiest option.