Do we need to use diapers?

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Do we need to use diapers? and got a better answer

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It is possible, but boys should be careful, they say that it leads to overheating of testicles, and this in the future problems with potency, etc. And in general I think you should use less often, it will be difficult to tame to the potty later?

Response from 0[+++++]
You can, but boys be careful, they say that leads to overheating of the testicles, and this in the future problems with potency, etc. And in general I think you need to use less often, it will be hard to tame later to the pot.

Response from 0[+++++]
I am for the main thing in time to give them up.

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In rare cases in the winter when you go out to the kids

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I'm in! It's very handy.

Response from 0[+++++]
at this - I have a similar question - look there's a discussion about it, it's true they're all full of crap but it may help.

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are not harmful! Even better when the baby is dry his skin is not irritated! Just change them often and leave him naked for a while

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was using diapers for bedtime and winter walks only. After the street and after sleeping I took them off right away. They are much more comfortable, especially at night.

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I'm in favor of walking wet.

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high quality ones are very comfy!

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it is possible to use but not constantly on walks in a guest house better in diapers because the baby sweats in diapers terribly and irritation appears

Response from 0[+]
Pampers are very harmful for boys. only for a walk and to the hospital. but you should not steamed children. better watch the kids. they are very smart. in time you will understand what they want and there will be no accidents:

Response from 0[+++]
Modern diapers are better than anything else - and dry and no irritations. Diapers - this is a wet greenhouse for breeding sweat, which is very irritating to the skin and interferes with the baby. Diapers are yesterday.

Response from 0[+++]
Actually they make it much easier for parents to take care of the baby, there is more time to take care of the child. In principle, I'm for it, but it all has to be in moderation. If, for example, I know that after sleeping my baby sure to go to the toilet, I put it on the potty and then another half an hour without a diaper, crawling breathing and enjoying life.


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