Any tips on how long to charge the battery if it started to sag a little in sub-zero weather?

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Any tips on how long to charge the battery if it started to sag a little in sub-zero weather? and got a better answer

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varta for a long time in quality is not what it used to be?

Response from 0[+++++]
varta is not the same quality as it used to be

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the longer the better, if you have the reset function

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any battery must be charged until fully charged The charging time depends on the battery capacity, the degree of discharge and the charging current.

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until it is fully charged, by the indirect signs, current stabilization or the upper voltage limit

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do you need it? If the car starts, you don't need any charging. Get out on the highway and push it for an hour.

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capacity divided by 10, you get charging current and a minimum of 10 hours-average.

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that's the way it's done now. a couple of years and you're out. it's called CAPITALISM. charging and overcharging is useless. buy a new one.

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7-8 hours is enough by the eye.

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Until gassing, until the voltage is 12.7 volts for a long time after stopping charging in 24 hours I have about 13 volts-full charge I do this - I start charging, the battery begins to quietly so gassing. I stop charging, then turn it on again, and so on a few times, so the electrolyte would not boil out. Voltage reached 13 volts in 24 hours after charging, it means that the battery is fully charged and can be left in the garage for the winter. I've been doing it this way for several years and the battery has been fine so far.

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I guess we have to throw out our batteries, I have the same shit, no minus, and already started farting around, and 2 years old too. By the way, in the last test ZR it took the last place in terms of energy reserves, losing to all who can

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current 4 amps to a boil, but not boil.

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overnight or a day. don't forget to unmark the battery or better remove the battery at all and charge the battery away from the car! and add if necessary distilled water in the battery.and immediately after charging on start the car let it ventilate for about 30 minutes.

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0.6A for 48 hours will give a 99 charge and increase the density of the electrolyte.

Response from 0[+++++]
aren't the chargers automatic these days? like I installed it and like everything is fine it won't take a charge


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