I dreamed I went to a party in China, like a concert?

The author posted a question in Horoscopes, Magic, Divination

I dreamed I went to a party in China, like a concert? and got a better answer

Response from
A dream is a figurative thought process, not a message from heaven for great prophecies Do you want a dream book? They were not sent by a higher power, but made up by humans So:.China according to the dream book represents career advancement, work, business, and all the events associated with it?

Response from 0[+++++]
A dream is a figurative thought process, not a message from heaven for great prophecies Do you want a dream book? They were not sent by higher powers, but made up by people So:.China in the dream book represents career advancement, work, affairs, and all related events.

Response from 0[+++++]
did you get that it's China?


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