What’s the workings of a crane truck

The author posted a question in Business, Finance

What's the workings of a crane truck? and got a better answer

Response from
buy a scania or mers, with an outreach of about 30 meters, roofers and glaziers will be in demand, especially if you have their own suction device for double glazing, and by the way convenient when the crane behind, and if even a trailer good?

Response from 0[+++++]
buy a truck with a reach of about 30 meters and you'll be in high demand with the roofers and window fitters, especially if you have your own vacuum cleaner for insulated windows, and by the way it's convenient when the crane is in the back and the trailer is good

Response from 0[+++++]
don't buy it. There's a law coming out about old age up to 20 years on trucks. Then they get scrapped or you get a big tax on them. It's already junk. They want to make you pay the credit for the junk.


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