What kind of insects and reptiles to have at home?

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What kind of insects and reptiles to have at home? and got a better answer

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Insects live little more than a year, are expensive and require special conditions. Humidity, lighting, soil, feeding regime. Yes and the scraps from the kitchen only cockroaches eat, insects are more difficult need food, often live. For the same spiders need to grow worms or cockroaches. Reptiles are usually a little simpler, but they need a terrarium with a heater and an ultraviolet lamp where they can bask. Some are demanding to humidity too, and many also need live food. As an alternative, a snail, which is not as fastidious, eats greens and lives long enough.

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russian language textbook

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No nonsense whatsoever!

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bumblebee need to catch the queen bumblebee box if you have a queen bumblebee begins to build a nest of honeycombs 4-6 eggs to postpone the bumblebee giving birth will be different color then not how many minutes will be yellow and black ps bumblebees pollinated they can pollinate legumes and many families of plants


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