The author posted a question in Auto, Moto
D driver in the army? and got a better answer
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D - you'll drive the l / staff to show C - in the A / park - to collect gossip B - as luck E - to disappear on business trips?
Response from 0[+++++]
D - you'll be riding in the l/staff for show C - in the A/park - gossiping B - as luck would have it E - going on business trips.
D - you'll be riding in the l/staff for show C - in the A/park - gossiping B - as luck would have it E - going on business trips.
Response from 0[+++++]
A lot of nuances! Depends on where you get the kind of troops Pray for providence that in the Air Force.
A lot of nuances! Depends on where you get the kind of troops Pray for providence that in the Air Force.
Response from 0[+++++]
As luck would have it. Maybe it won't have any effect and maybe you'll be lucky, but it's all fortune. Personally for you as in subsequent civilian life - a category received on a freebie.
As luck would have it. Maybe it won't have any effect and maybe you'll be lucky, but it's all fortune. Personally for you as in subsequent civilian life - a category received on a freebie.
Response from 0[+++++]
in automobile troops can be drafted. or technical. a driver in the army is an honorable man. goes out into the city. can bring anything. so learn. no labor - does not go to waste.
in automobile troops can be drafted. or technical. a driver in the army is an honorable man. goes out into the city. can bring anything. so learn. no labor - does not go to waste.