The author posted a question in Science, Technology, Languages
Online translators do not translate correctly. How do I translate correctly? and got a better answer
Response from
Learn the language yourself. No online is a complete substitute for a human when translating. As opposed to a human it makes a formal approximate translation?
Response from 0[+++++]
Learn the language yourself. No online is a complete substitute for a human when translating. Unlike a human, it makes a formal approximate translation.
Learn the language yourself. No online is a complete substitute for a human when translating. Unlike a human, it makes a formal approximate translation.
Response from 0[+++++]
Learn the language. or hire someone who knows it.
Learn the language. or hire someone who knows it.
Response from 0[+++++]
incorrectly incorrectly Contact a city translation agency.
incorrectly incorrectly Contact a city translation agency.
Response from 0[+++++]
To be honest, Dimitr, there is no way: with a guarantee. If you're lucky, you'll meet an ace translator, but. then, no That's it, in a nutshell.
To be honest, Dimitr, there is no way: with a guarantee. If you're lucky, you'll meet an ace translator, but. then, no That's it, in a nutshell.