Can I use Gentomecin ointment on a burn from boiling water?

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Can I use Gentomecin ointment on a burn from boiling water? and got a better answer

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If you have open wounds you should use Panthenol foam or an ointment with the same name starting at 50r for closed wounds it makes no sense to use any other ointment

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Gentamicin is more correct. External antibiotic. Right. I use it after stab wounds.

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good with egg white. What's the antibiotic for? Is that a festering wound?

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Do you have a third- or fourth-degree infected wound? Don't. Ointments for burns with boiling water: Panthenol; Furacilin ointment; Spasatel; Levomekol; Actovegin; Eplan Ointment for steam burns. Ointments for healing burns: Solcoseryl; Panthenol; Calendula ointment; Actovegin; Bepanten; Spasatel; Eplan; Ebermin.


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