How much money would you like to make per month? Not millions of course, but enough to cover your needs?

The author posted a question in Work, Career

How much money would you like to make per month? Not millions of course, but enough to cover your needs? and got a better answer

Response from Антон Владимирович[+++++]
thousand 50-70 thousand at today's prices would be enough. Then I would get too rich, and I would need 100 thousand already. Then more. And more. And then I'd die of overwork, because for 100k I'd have to work 30 hours a day?

Response from 0[+++++]
50-70k at today's prices would be enough. Then I'd get rich, and I'd need 100 grand. Then more. And more. And then I would die of overwork, because for 100 thousand rubles in my town I would have to work 30 hours a day.

Response from 0[+]

Response from 0[+++++]
60 thousand is enough for me.

Response from 0[+++++]
Not a million? That sucks. Although there's a way out. I want to make 999,999:

Response from 0[+++++]
40 thousand is enough.

Response from 0[+++++]
I'm very frugal - 3K green is enough for me, if they don't charge me too much.

Response from 0[+++++]
At least 15-20 thousand.

Response from 0[++]
9,000 a month for 1-2 days of work a week. And you won't starve to death, you'll have enough to pay the rent, and you can do your own business!

Response from 0[+++++]
Babe, the country has inflation, which means that prices are constantly rising and you need more and more money. In czarist times, you could buy a cow for 5 rubles. In Soviet times, for the same amount of money you could buy milk for a week. And today?

Response from 0[+++++]
5 thousand, for nothing:

Response from 0[+++++]
I would like to be able to plan my funds in peace, no matter how much. And in conditions, when the exchange rate may change twice in a couple of days, and the savings in the banks simply with the frequency of once in 10 years stop being issued with the words something went wrong, no more money, the size of the salary ceases to matter.


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