Yes my Chinese rose sits in a big pot?

The author posted a question in Animals, Plants

Yes my Chinese rose sits in a big pot? and got a better answer

Response from
You have overfed your rose, it lives. Keep it dry and cool in winter, don't fertilize. Nearer to a spring cut off and put nearer to a sun, though it blossoms without the sun, but not plentifully. After pruning, spray with epin or zircon?

Response from 0[+++++]
You have overfed your rose. Keep it dry in winter, do not fertilize. Closer to spring, cut it back and put it closer to the sun, though it blooms without the sun, but not abundantly. After pruning spray with epin or zircon.

Response from 0[++]
Chinese genus or hibiscus need annual pruning and fertilizing and preferably with fertilizers for flowering plants. And the age is not a hindrance to him the pot too although too big is not good all the power goes to the root. My advice is to transplant and prune if possible to form a stem tree. Give him some sunshine.


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