The author posted a question in Animals, Plants
Where do CHAIRS and RAVES sleep in cities with cold climates, because it is impossible to sleep while standing in the cold, or on the fly? and got a better answer
Response from Нина[+++++]
In the parks in the trees. Do huge feathered shits gather there at night?
Response from 0[+++++]
In the parks in the trees. There's a huge gathering of feathered shit in the trees at night.
In the parks in the trees. There's a huge gathering of feathered shit in the trees at night.
Response from 0[+++++]
All gulls are closely related to water and live on the shores of seas open rivers and overgrown lakes. Predominantly gulls are gregarious birds. They nest in colonies on shoals, rocks, reed beds, floating plants, some on trees, bushes or even in burrows and crows fly in flocks from one tree to another to keep warm.
All gulls are closely related to water and live on the shores of seas open rivers and overgrown lakes. Predominantly gulls are gregarious birds. They nest in colonies on shoals, rocks, reed beds, floating plants, some on trees, bushes or even in burrows and crows fly in flocks from one tree to another to keep warm.
Response from 0[+]
In Nisha sleeping on one leg you can eat such a tribe. even besides there is a Bird Sailer she not that sleeps she Lives 4-5 days sometimes dangling in the air stream like a tic tac capsule DAILY and in the night jacket this has long been observed Discovery Chanel funny to watch without sound? If you are in favor of understanding there then so today a thought visited the Unique Individuality of Falsehood can only be expressed as a color form of visibility in the observation of the Conditioned Self of that part of True Nature which is NOT treasonous and worshiped and bowed down to the ground HE jokes the universe by the prana spider and the one who fights it with the body. Read the Nectar of Devotion . But bows are placed only by a human being besides a kinesthetic. you can't, watching a cat, realize or feel the moment how hard it was in some places crossing the fence that it almost snapped. We have different Skeletons and notions of corr- ie muscular tone I think this is a difficult place because behind it the pain of it all builds as it were. is quartz so me a crow is not standing and not sitting found that it so as a good spoon to the dinner. The crow has a saber in his boot if you look from below *secret*
In Nisha sleeping on one leg you can eat such a tribe. even besides there is a Bird Sailer she not that sleeps she Lives 4-5 days sometimes dangling in the air stream like a tic tac capsule DAILY and in the night jacket this has long been observed Discovery Chanel funny to watch without sound? If you are in favor of understanding there then so today a thought visited the Unique Individuality of Falsehood can only be expressed as a color form of visibility in the observation of the Conditioned Self of that part of True Nature which is NOT treasonous and worshiped and bowed down to the ground HE jokes the universe by the prana spider and the one who fights it with the body. Read the Nectar of Devotion . But bows are placed only by a human being besides a kinesthetic. you can't, watching a cat, realize or feel the moment how hard it was in some places crossing the fence that it almost snapped. We have different Skeletons and notions of corr- ie muscular tone I think this is a difficult place because behind it the pain of it all builds as it were. is quartz so me a crow is not standing and not sitting found that it so as a good spoon to the dinner. The crow has a saber in his boot if you look from below *secret*