Daughter 5 years old. Peeing at night. What to do?

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Daughter 5 years old. Peeing at night. What to do? and got a better answer

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See a doctor as this is some kind of abnormality.

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Consult a doctor. But I know for a fact that a piece of bread with salt retains fluids in the body.

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a good thing she's five years old and not 55.

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Let her walk around the house in slippers and not drink too much liquid!

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Enuresis can be treated on a psychological level but nevertheless you should not let her drink too much before going to bed and make sure she goes to the toilet before you put her to bed. At worst by about 12 or 13 she will definitely pass.

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consult a neurologist - that's one. exclude fluids overnight hypothermia - that's two.

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.this can only be cured by grandmothers I have two children.don't fall for cheaters

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check your kidneys

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if and how often there's a way you can email me

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Must do a kidney and bladder ultrasound direction gives pediatricians.POTUS WITH THIS ANSWER to the nephrologist and he will advise how to treat.

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I read a way somewhere that parents, on the advice of a psychologist, told their child that every time he wet the bed they would pay him for it.

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You should give a piece of sugar before going to bed.

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We have this problem too, but it's less frequent now. First go to a urologist to check your kidneys. We just give less to drink in the evening now.

Response from 0[+]
Before you go to the doctor and poke your child with chemo, sit down and remember: 1-Was this happening to you as a child? 2-How much time do you spend with her? 3-What kind of relationship do you have with her? 4-Does anyone at school hurt her at home 5-Can your room be locked when you and your husband are together? 6-What is your relationship with your husband? When you solve these questions, try playing dolls with her Of course, in the game the doll should get up at night to go to the bathroom and praise mom.I think this is psychological. And don't let her drink two hours before bedtime.


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