How do you cope with taxicose?

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How do you cope with taxicose? and got a better answer

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put a glass of water and a cookie by the bed in the evening. eat it in the morning without getting out of bed. during the day, have a mint or sour candy on hand to help overcome a little and try not to overexert yourself. Being too active during pregnancy also sometimes causes toxicosis Hope it helps?

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put a glass of water and a cookie by the bed in the evening. Eat it in the morning without getting out of bed. During the day have a mint or sour candy at hand and try not to be overworked. Being too active during pregnancy also sometimes causes toxicosis Hope it helps!

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Drink some water.

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See a doctor and don't ask stupid questions.

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They say it'll go away by the third month though I was lucky, I didn't have it.

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Shoot the dachshund and get a cat.Then there will be koshkokoz A TOXIKOS will be dealt with by childbirth!

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mjatnie ledentsi sosat.

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I used to drink peppermint decoction. The only thing that helped me. Hang in there!!!

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I have the same situation now: I noticed that the toxemia is stronger if I did not get enough sleep the night before or just overworked, and also frequent fractional eating helps - you have to eat a little and more often than usual, because nausea is a modified sense of hunger, but overeating in no way possible.

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1. Eating fractional meals with healthy foods 2.Exercise 3. Sniff orange peels And generally at 12 weeks passes.

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doctors recommend eating ice cream before getting out of bed in the morning

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I had a course of azonotherapy. Five drips and no toxicity. It worked for me after the first one. Ask your doctor for a prescription.

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In the morning, without getting out of bed, eat a crust of black bread - will help for a while. I read that fresh ginger root can be rubbed into a salad - but I haven't tried it.

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I had my first pregnancy for a week and my second for exactly 3 months. Ask your doctor if there are anti-nausea pills you can take for expectant mothers. Good health and patience! Everything is just beginning!

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Yes think about something good. for example about the baby. unfortunately nothing but lemon will help you so far this is temporary.

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it is very individual! for example my friend before pregnancy could not stand even the sight of lemon she was allergic to it and now pregnant only this and saves from taxicosis and no allergies!

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You're not going to die. Before you get out of bed in the morning, eat something: fruit or nuts. And during the day - candy, preferably lemon candy if you like - mint candy.

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Sniffing herbal remedies or your favorite smells helps a lot.

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Cercal pills-- pregnant women can take them.

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try a little water with lemon Ice cream also helps; I was sure I was going to die, but by 11 weeks I was fine.


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