Is the institution of marriage exhausted? Free relationship or still Family?

The author posted a question in Family

Is the institution of marriage exhausted? Free relationship or still Family? and got a better answer

Response from Антон Владимирович[+++++]
To each his own, I guess, but in my opinion family is the most important thing! I wish people starting a relationship would be honest with each other and both talk about what they expect and what they want. There is no point in condemning those who don't want to start a family, it's their choice and they have the right to do so, the main thing is not to give unnecessary hopes and not to hurt their partner?

Response from 0[+++++]
To each his own, perhaps, but in my opinion the family is important! I would like people to be honest with each other and both talk about what they expect and what they want. It makes no sense to judge those who do not want to start a family. It is their choice and they have the right to do it, the main thing is not to raise unnecessary hopes and not to cause pain to their partner.

Response from 0[+++++]
Family is a legal marriage. Everything else is promiscuity and cohabitation.

Response from 0[+++++]
marriage gives some advantages to legal inheritance, for example, or the right not to testify against a spouse

Response from 0[+++++]
free relationships are like dogs on the street? what about disease

Response from 0[+++++]
People degenerate from here and live like animals running from one to the other.

Response from 0[+++++]
If the family collapses, nations and nations will collapse. Seraphim of Sarov

Response from 0[+++++]
family only in its normal form not as the especially decent 5 times institution of marriage and children not remembering their fathers is the real whoremongering no matter how you disguise it

Response from 0[+++++]
Family after all.

Response from 0[+++++]
Family and only family. The economic basis may have been exhausted, but the spiritual basis hasn't gone anywhere.

Response from 0[+++++]
Normal people will always create normal families

Response from 0[+++++]
family or life outside of society

Response from 0[+++++]
Of course family. And nothing else.

Response from 0[+++++]
Family dear family: if the old one doesn't warm, you need a new one in love and understanding.

Response from 0[+++++]
Of all the ways known to mankind of organizing the relationship between a man and a woman, marriage is the most optimal. Nothing better has been invented yet.

Response from 0[+++++]
Look at how, for example, in the same America they propagandize family relationships, in every film there is a family - mother, father, +3 children + dog. They also went through a phase of free relationships, but came to the point that a person needs a family, not partners for a night or two.

Response from 0[+++++]
Read the Bible and the Gospel and you'll understand everything.


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