When a man decides to disappear, does he say so openly?

The author posted a question in Dating, Love, Relationships

When a man decides to disappear, does he say so openly? and got a better answer

Response from Марина Соловьева[+++]
obychno mujiki -narod umnyi, ne obremeniaiut sebia nenujnymi razgovorami i obiasneniami, zachem da pochemu.vsio ravno je niodna baba etomu ne poverit.baby vsio ravno sebe svoio kino v golove pridumaiut, tak chto umnyi i uvajaiuchii sebia mujchina ostavit babe svobodu vybora povoda ischeznovenia takovogo.kiss and good bye

Response from 0[+++++]
obychno mujiki -narod umnyi, ne obremeniaiut sebia nenujnymi razgovorami i obiasneniami, zachem da pochemu.vsio ravno je niodna baba etomu ne poverit.baby vsio ravno sebe svoio kino v golove pridumaiut, tak chto umnyi i uvajaiuchii sebia mujchina ostavit babe svobodu vybora povoda ischeznovenia takovogo.kiss and good bye

Response from 0[+++++]
I've never met anyone like that. usually, they declare their love today and change their phone number tomorrow!

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based on the totality of the situation before. and there are. a million of them:

Response from 0[+++++]
no! It's always easier for them to disappear than to say it!

Response from 0[+]

Response from 0[+++++]
have been there, I've been there, I've been there. 676186 Generally, not everybody is given such courage, it's better to be in other situations with a tiger eye-to-eye than to explain something to a girl! Although the girls in this regard are not far gone. All have the property to disappear!

Response from 0[+]
my experience, he doesn't talk, he just quietly grinds.

Response from 0[+++]

Response from 0[+++++]
nope. afraid of tantrums and tears=

Response from 0[+++]
It takes courage to say something, and as a rule the stronger sex does not have it, it is easier for them not to answer the phone than to explain, although some of them play at being noble


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